Monday, March 14, 2016

What to do when a Relationship Becomes Monotonous.

It is understandable - when a relationship is fresh and new everything is so exciting.  You can’t wait to connect with the person who has made you feel so special.  Over time the relationship may become dull and routine.  Is one of you a spontaneous partner?

It is helpful if that person gets the ball rolling to keep the excitement real for years to come. One thing that often helps is suggesting new activities for you to pursue as a couple.  Another would be to travel to an exciting new location together.  When you kiss, do so with passion…don’t just go through the motions.  And remember, everyone loves a surprise gift.  You might be amazed how a small, token of your feelings can go such a long way.

A satisfying relationship is the ticket to health and happiness.  In the Dallas/Ft. Worth area when a relationship becomes strained, bring your partner with you to consult with Stefani Threadgill.  She is a licensed Dallas sex therapist who will guide you and your partner toward a more fulfilling union.  Stefani is experienced at solving issues between Dallas couples.  Give her a call today and make an appointment at (469) 666-0461.

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